Friday, January 23, 2009

I REALLY Like My New Hair Style But.....

Sometimes when I look in the mirror it reminds me of Inigo Montoya, the Spanish character from the movie, The Princess Bride.

At least Marcail's look-alike can be likened to the Nick Jr. character, Dora the Explorer!

Hola! Soy Dora!
(Hello! I am Dora!)


Anonymous said...

Oh Tab!
I'm crackin up!
You need a sword
and Marcail needs a backpack!
(You're much better looking than
Inigo Montoya...and much more feminine!)

Love ya!

TAB said...

Thank you, Mom! I was finding it rather amusing myself. Love you too.

LivG said...


I can see it, though I never would have thought of it on my own and I totally agree with everything mom said!