Monday, January 12, 2009

On the 10th of January, Henry and Marcail had their 3rd birthday! It was such a fun day. We made it really low-key. We had discussed going somewhere to celebrate but decided to wait a few years to have a full blown party when they might appreciate it more. Instead, we stayed home and played, had lasagna for supper and presents and cake. James' mom, Lynn, came over for the festivities too.
Henry was excited about his Aqua Doodle that Grandma Lynn got for him. Marcail got one too. The object in his hand is the pen/sprayer that is used for the Aqua Doodle. They are such a neat toy! It is a pad that only shows color when you draw on it with the pen that comes with it. You fill the pens with water to draw, thus the name: Aqua Doodle.
Before supper and presents we spent some time on our balcony playing with play-doh the kids received from Santa for Christmas. It was loads of fun and they played very nicely with it too!

Here is Henry, Grandma and Naomi looking over the play-doh goods.

More play-doh fun.

This is so much fun for Henry, Mister Hands-On!

Of course, Marcail liked it too because she is showing signs of being artistic.

Opening presents. Henry got a Go Diego Go! dvd from mama and daddy.

Marcail got a Yo Gabba Gabba dvd from mama and daddy! I really like Yo Gabba Gabba. The show encourages music appreciation and dancing along with teaching sharing, friendship or healthy eating habits along the way.

Each of the children got little beanie babies from Grammy and Grandpa Hoag. They love them so much. They sleep with them at night and play with them during the day. Henry got a crocodile and a puppy. He really likes his "lizard"/crocodile.

Here I am giving Marcail and Henry their presents from Grandma Lynn. (It was their Aqua Doodles)!

Henry coloring on his Aqua Doodle.

Blowing out the candles on their "Happy Birthday cake".

The best part, licking the frosting off the candles!

Naomi listening to the music on the dance mat all three got to share.

Having fun with daddy blowing their birthday horns, but we were so lucky! They didn't make any noise!

Mama is reading the kid's their cards that they got from Aunt Christine in Kansas. She lovingly handmade a card for each one.
Happy Birthday my little 3-year-old twins!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Just found your blog through your mom's blog. Can't believe you guys are playing on the beach in January. Here we are...huddling inside like eskimos!

Laurie said...

Happy Birthday day!

LivG said...

Fun b-day party! I had to laugh about Yo Gabba Gabba:) Eleanor loves it too and I am so tempted to get her one of the shirts at Wal-Mart.