Saturday, January 24, 2009

PhotoHunt Theme: Chipped

Not the most exciting picture, I know, but I couldn't think of anything else. Me creative juices just were'nt flowing this week.

This is our car, it's not fancy, but it is paid for which, in my book, makes all the difference in the world when you're trying to get debt-free! The paint is chipped in a few places and there are a couple dents too and I just love my car!

Happy Hunting!


jams o donnell said...

Nice take on the theme! cvShame about the chips though! Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Small chip - big expense...if you feel you can't live with it. I have to admit I would and I do. Bodywork is extortionate.

TAB said...

I totally agree about just living with it. It's not that important to me. Just as long as the car gets me from point A to point B.

philos said...

Agreed, happy for you :) As for the chipped paint, don't worry about it... its not as unsightly to the rest of us than it might seem to you. :)

Unknown said...

Probably a lot of us could have used pictures of chips on cars -- if only we'd been creative enough to think of doing so.

Anonymous said...

I think it is creative. Great choice. Happy hunting

RJ Flamingo said...

I cried when I saw the first chip on my car... good take on the theme today!

Thanks for stopping by!

akawest said...

Paid off cars, chipped or not, make me excited. I like the blue color of yours.

A Friendly Reader Only said...

Great job on this weeks theme. Love the reflections on the car too. What a relief not to have a car payment - Good Job!

YTSL said...

Looks quite shiny; has it just recently been washed and polished? ;b

ancient one said...

Not so bad... I love cars that are paid for best... and yours looks pretty!!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Ouch! Chipped autos are susceptible to rust. :(

I did Photo Hunters today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit.

Anonymous said...

Great post,.. I hate when that happens on my car.

LivG said...

Actually I think the pic is artistic! I am late with my hunt post. I am so happy for you and your car:)

Biker Betty said...

I had a hard time thinking of anything for this week's theme, too. I dread the first chip I find in my new car. It's inevitable. Have a good weekend :)

stan said...

I hate it when the paint work of my drive gets scratched too.

Becky said...

Well earned chips and a great way to express the theme.

Anonymous said...

Good interpretation of the theme. Your reflection adds up to the uniqueness of the photo. :)

Thanks for visiting my entry.

PowersTwinB said...

Yours is the only car photo I have come across, I think you did well for the theme this week! My hunt is up, please come and visit when you can

Anonymous said...

Great photo for the chipped theme! :) I can even see the reflection of you taking the photo on the car :) Nice!

jerrymary said...

Love your car Tab!!!! Love you too!!!! Grandad B.