Monday, February 16, 2009

no more crib

Big girl Naomi has graduated from her crib to a crib-turned-daybed.
We have to put a pillow on the floor and one propped up in between the little railings on the sides of her mattress to keep her from rolling out. The first few nights she slept in her new bed she had some falling out mishaps that scared her and her mama and daddy. Nevertheless, Naomi does well in her bed.


LivG said...

Wow, congrats! I think it will be a while before Eleanor ditches the crib, but that is awesome for Naomi!

jerrymary said...

Sweet little NaNa, just want to hug her. Precious blue eyes with the sparkle. Love you, GGB

Anonymous said...

Oh Tab, all your babies are growing up!!! I just looked at all their pictures from the last few days, can't believe how they are growing!! Henry looks like a doctor with a stethascope in one of the pictures!! They are all so darn cute!!! Can't wait for more!!

Laurie said...

I forgot how Naomi sits holding her pants like that!
Big girl Naomi is right!

Tabitha Blue said...

Oh Congrats!!!! I remember that day. What a big girl!! So sweet. We had to put a blanket under the mattress near the opening so that the mattress would tilt back just a little bit, this would prevent her from rolling off in the night. I think it's still there... and still no falling on the floor!
