Sunday, February 22, 2009

enjoying snack-always a happy occasion part. 2

On the days that are not too windy we come out into our hallway and eat snack after naps. I have placed a chair next to our door and the kids put their snack bowls on the chair for safe-keeping as they walk or run up and down the hallway. They enjoy playing in the hallway chasing each other or running away from the dragon that's at the end of the hallway.
This is the view from our front door:

When I look over the railing from our door I can see the office of our building, this is where the kids play in the afternoon's with their friend Rahul. He is the owner's grandson and he lives in our building with his parents.

1 comment:

LivG said...

Not too bad a view! I love the blue skies and palm trees!