Tuesday, March 24, 2009

allow me to be a little vain

As I post more pictures of our beautiful children. I have a lot of days that I just don't like my job at all but then I will look through the pictures on my camera and am reminded at what a gift I have! Three healthy, darling kids!!! What a blessing and I really shouldn't ask for more.


Anonymous said...

Early morning and these pictures just made my day!!The girls look about the same as when you left but Henry has changed somewhat.We miss all of you.Remember Kansas loves you!!!Grandma B.

LivG said...

Oh Tab, I hear ya!

No one said being a mom was easy, but it is rewarding.

Anonymous said...

Nah, Your're not vain, just getting a renewed vision of God's gifts and blessings to you!
Keep looking into their eyes and kissing their cheeks like you can only do when they are certain ages!

Seeing Through New Eyes said...

I agree with your mom - you're not vain, just remembering to rejoice in the treasure that you've been given.
I remember those days. But as I look ahead towards the "next thing" (and I am excited about whatever God has for me ahead), I realize that during those days I did the BEST thing that I'll ever do.

tsbjf said...

You do have some cute kids!