So, I put oregano oil on the bottoms of our kid's feet every night after baths then pull their socks on afterward to keep the oil from getting all over my floor. Oregano oil is an anti-fungal and it absorbs into the kid's feet and helps fight off viruses and colds. I have found that if the kids do get a cold it doesn't last near as long as it has in the past when I wasn't using oregano oil! I am a believer in this holistic and homeopathic and, I admit, weird use of oregano! It works!!
All the kids like it when I put it on their feet and take this part of their bedtime routine pretty seriously. They do have a hard time pronouncing this unusual word, though. This is how it sounds when they say it:
It took me a while to figure out what it was that they were saying.
"Me have paykanpo on my foots."
Hmmm, how did they get THAT out of Oregano!!! Cute:)
Ummm. I'm glad it works! It certainly has a pleasant-ish smell.
Do you like it?
Sounds like you're all on the same team when it comes to the "paykanpo"! I'm so glad they are willing patients! Good deal!
I actually don't mind the smell. It's so strong that their socks still smell like it even after washing.
We have become firm believers in oregano oil, especially after I had a sinus "thing" and ear problem that I couldn't get rid of. Oregano oil (and grapefruit seed extract for the ear) helped get me over it.
Dick and I are now firm beleivers in the "drop under the tongue" every day. It sure clears out the sinuses!
Dick takes his in the morning, so I like to tease him about "kissing my sexy Italian" when he leaves for work. Oregano Oil does have a pungent aroma!
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