Monday, March 30, 2009

kid-isms III

All three of the children call their underwear "weer-weer".


LivG said...

funny : )

Laurie said...

I remember that! Have I mentioned I miss you?!

TAB said...

Miss you too! So very much!

Anonymous said...

So great to hear the kid's voices!!
Glad you and James had some time alone and going to the beach must have been fun. Can you imagine us Kansans with 24 inches of snow while you were at the beach. We couldn't get out of our drive for two days. Steve came over and took us to the grocery store.He has a 4-wheeler.Love to each of you, Grandma B.

Dad said...

Maybe what they are trying to say is "rear wear"!
Get that bootie covered!

LivG said...

I forgot to say that when Eleanor says underwear it sounds like wonderwear.