Tuesday, March 3, 2009

my get-away to "familyville" a.k.a. KANSAS

This past weekend I had the privilege of flying to Kansas for a visit to see my family. James kindly let me go alone and willingly stayed home and played stay-at-home-daddy, a job he enjoyed! Here are some pictures from the visit. My mom and dad at almost their goofiest!
We went bowling on Saturday and had such a fun time. We hadn't been bowling since before the twins were born and Liv hadn't gone bowling since college.

My sisters, Christine and Liv with my dad and me!

Liv and me with our dad in the background, keeping watch over us!

The bowling alley.

My nephew Sean.

We went to our favorite restaurant in Hutchinson, the Anchor Room. We met my uncles and aunt and grandparents there and ate some yummy Mexican food! The picture above is my Uncle John and his daughter, my cousin Emily.

My mom!

My uncle Steve and Kelly!

Emily and her mom, my Aunt Cyndi.

Liv and sweet Chloe.

Liv and Chloe. I just adore my new niece!

My other sweet niece Eleanor and me.

Liv and her husband, Chris and Chloe.

My dad's mom and stepdad at the restaurant in Lindsborg, Seasons.

My mom's mom and me looking at a photo album.

Christine's birthday cake for her 19th birthday.

The three sisters!

My family minus Liv. :-(

My mom's mom and dad, my grandparent's and me at Cracker Barrel.
I had such a wonderful time seeing everyone and enjoyed my stay so much. I sure wish it had been a longer visit but I am glad to be home with my babies.


Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures Tab!!!I felt so empty today just knowing you were so far away again, but also happy that you were with James and the kids. Now I realize how my Mom must have felt knowing how far away we were for so many years. We will always treasure the memories of you and the kids and also of you and Liv being with us when you were so small.

Just know that we love our Florida family and we think about you often. Love, Grandma B.

TAB said...

We love you too! Thanks for everything.
Love You.

LivG said...

Great pictures! I wish we could've spent more time together. It just went too fast. Tell James thanks for sharing you with us and taking care of the kids so you could be "free" for a while:) Love you all and miss you tons! Liv

Laurie said...

Ugh! "Emptiness sets in"!
Love sweet love ya!

TAB said...

I feel the same way!