I had ground turkey, canned baked beans and baby carrot sticks. "Aha!" I say to myself. "I have a plan!" {Let me just say that those were not the only ingredients I had in my entire kitchen. Those were just the only ingredients I had that could be made into a fast meal since it was already 6:30 by the time we had all come in from playing outside.}
I opened the tiny can of baked beans and drained them. Then, I threw them into the blender along with 10-12 baby carrot sticks and blended them all together. After they were blended I poured the bean mixture into a bowl with 1 lb. of the ground turkey along with two eggs. It was rather soupy and I started to feel discouraged. Was my "brilliant" supper plan going to flop? However, I continued because the only other option for that evening's supper would have been PB&Honey sandwiches (repeating lunch....boring!).
I decided, that since the meatball mixture wasn't going to make true, rounded meatballs, I would simply scoop tiny bits of it into a hot un-greased skillet. I allowed them to brown on both sides. Then, I poured some water into the skillet so they could simmer, and covered them for about 7 minutes.
They don't look too appetizing but they tasted pretty good and the kids seemed to like them. I served them with rice. James was not impressed. He said, and I quote, "I'm glad the kids like these," and he grimaced. I admit, they were a little bean-y in consistency and I definitely could do just half the measurement of beans. But ,you just can't beat the high fiber goodness of Turkey Bean Meatballs. I will be perfecting this "creative" invention in the near future.
Sounds so "thrown together good"!
A cooks crisis point meal! (When you look to see what you have and what you can make with what you have!)
Sometimes it's a flop and other times it's not too bad! It' the way recipes are born!
I think I might have to agree with James on that one LoL!!!
Guess I'd go along with James and Liv on this one!!Don't think I'd enter a contest with this one.ha
Have fun this weekend. Love, grandma b.
On second thought...I think you got my text on this one:)
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