Sunday, September 6, 2009

this stuff is amazing!

Marcail had an incessant, dry cough yesterday. Last night, James went to CVS to try to find something homeopathic to help relieve the symptoms that the girls were experiencing. He came home, proud as can be, with that bottle of Umcka ColdCare. James went into the kid's room to administer Marcail her first dose and also Naomi. Let me just say, we've already seen the results of this stuff! Marcail hasn't been coughing non-stop today and it's helped loosen up the junk in her chest so that, when she does cough, it's productive! Naomi hasn't been as lethargic today either! "Speeds Recovery" is definitely not false advertising! We're sold!


4monkeys said...

Interesting! I may have to give it a try this year! (Hopefully not though!) Glad its helped out!

Laurie said...

And what a perfectly fitting name for the stuff!

LivG said...

So glad to hear they are feeling better!