Wednesday, September 9, 2009

three beach bums

Henry a.k.a. Linus

Marcail a.k.a. The "Pincess"

Naomi a.k.a. Sugar Bear

Marcail was pretending to be a puppy. Naomi told me to take a picture of her puppy. So I did, only if everyone sat still on the bench and smiled! I think it worked!

Do you see how dirty the girl's legs are? That's because they were crawling around in the sand near cookout grills. The sand around the grills gets really ashy and grosses me out to no end! We had a scrubbing party when we got home to be sure!


Seeing Through New Eyes said...

Now see, if we could get a puppy that adorable, we'd take the plunge and get another one.

Laurie said...

How fun that Marc likes to pretend to be a pup!
Yep. I'd say you have three real "wonder pets@!

LivG said...

LOVE the Linus shirt!

4monkeys said...

I cracked up when I saw Henry with that shirt! I love dogs too Marcail!!! I was pretending to be a dog until I was 12! Have fun! Nothin like a little mesquite perfume..huh?!