Wednesday, October 21, 2009

embarrassing moment of the day

So, after lunch today, I decided we should take a walk around the block. It's only about a 5 minute walk. It was enough to get some fresh air before the kid's naptime. I am wearing this outfit today. It doesn't match. I know this, but I'm okay with that. I'm comfortable and that's what matters to me today. So, we're out walking and I'm wearing this: (but wait, it gets better!)

I'm reveling in the beautiful 85 degree weather with winds from the NE at 18 mph gusting to 23 mph. It's gorgeous and I'm lovin it! Even if it is windy! Then, half-way through our walk I realize, with a start and a look of horror for all to see if they are looking at me, that I still have dabs of face mask on my face!!! I had put it on after my shower this morning and forgotten to wash it off! I'm a busy mama of three kids.....that says a lot! But, seriously?? How do I forget something like this?? I was glad I had left my hair down and was wearing my sunglasses too. It was easy to hide the fact that I had huge dots of white stuff on my face! I just had to laugh at my embarrassment. I was glad I had decided on taking a short walk! We got home and I put the kids down for their naps. I was going to immediately wash my face of the mask--but not before I took some pictures.

At least I'm not too proud to share this with you. Now you can laugh with me.....or at me. I don't care which.
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LivG said...

I thought you were going to say that your skirt whipped up and revealed your undies!!!

Well, that's not so bad Tab! We all have our little moments.

Your Mama said...

Hee hee haw!
You're a busy Mama! What more to say!?
BTW the word verif. word is "crochap".
I'm just sayin...

TAB said...

ROFL, Mom! Hilarious!

Seeing Through New Eyes said...

I'm with Liv on this. I seriously thought you were going to say that your skirt was stuck in the back of your underwear. After that thought, a little leftover face mask didn't seem so bad!
Now that I'm doing the Granny-Nanny thing, I'm remembering that the brain is often strained when there's little ones around. . . .so it's understandable.

4monkeys said...

Nice face paint:)