Tuesday, August 3, 2010

friday beauty

Friday found us exploring and playing
for several hours at a park
we've never visited before.

It called for me to bring out
the camera and start clicking!

Marcail was the first one for me
to experiment different
camera settings on!

That eldest daughter of mine is turning
into a little girl right before my
very eyes, no longer
a round, little baby.
She's beautiful and giggly;
a thinker and a dreamer.
I love that one!


Laurie said...

Love the pics and I love that darlin' babe!

Jill said...

Ahhhhhhhh, ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love those dreamy, far-away poses, never knowing what's really going on in that little (BIG) mind of hers!!!

Seeing Through New Eyes said...

I love it!!! Her expressive eyes. And goreous smile. And I especially love the sandy knees and tu-tu skirt together.

LivG said...

Awesome trees! I LOVE that last picture of your Beauty :-)

tsbjf said...

I just looked through all the park pics. You are so good at capturing each child in different poses/looks!