Monday, April 30, 2012

three weeks

Toby is 3 weeks old today!
How can that be???

Enjoy some glimpses into Toby's life last week.
Fell asleep on mama

Taking a rest with mama

Exploring mama's face

Exhausted from crying on daddy
Sleepy Toby
Sweet baby rolls


Laurie said...

Look at those baby expressions! He's got "personality deluxe" (as Grandma B. woulda said…)!
Sweet of you and him. The one of James holding Toby is great! I do pray for grace and patience amidst the crying and fussing!

tsbjf said...

So cute! And three weeks already?! Wow. Time does fly. In the last picture, I can really see his resemblance to your other kids, especially Marcail.

LivG said...

Oh. My. Word. He is PRECIOUS!!! He really is a pretty baby ♥ for a boy ;)

Iz & Jake's Mommy said...

the pic "exploring mamas face" he looks so much like Nay! but then that last pic "sweet baby rolls" something reminds me of Marc! the lips?