Monday, August 20, 2012

it's official

Today we started our second year of homeschool.
It's been a wonderful summer.
Now, it's back to the grind!

I pray that this year we will grow together and learn all that
the Lord wants us to.

Last year's photos:

Not sure why Henry looks cross-eyed in this pic.
They look so young in these pictures from last year!


Laurie said...

… and my thoughts and prayers are with you for the "official" Family Homeschool!

LivG said...

They WERE young! :)

tsbjf said...

I've checked this post several times on different days, and on the computer and iPad, but for some reason the pictures from this year don't show up. The ones from last year do though. Of course those are really cute, but I keep hoping to see the new ones.

tsbjf said...

Hey, the pictures showed up for me, yay! And wow, how much more grown up they look! You've got cute kids, Tab!

TAB said...

Thanks Joanne! So do you.

Jill said...

Wow, what a gorgeous family, inside and out!! Love to see you all!! Prayers for a productive and blessed year, glorifying your Heavenly Father through this great undertaking!! Love to you all!! Jill