Wednesday, September 19, 2012

toby is 5 months old

He is a happy boy!
He loves to have company, though.
His sisters and brother keep him entertained well.
He squeals, screams, laughs, coos.
He kicks his legs all the time
and rolls around on the floor.
He even sits up without too much support.
He doesn't get into the sitting position on his own, we 
put him up.

He loves to play with his feet.

Trying to get pictures of him on his tummy
is near impossible.
He likes to promptly roll onto his back.
I was insisting that he lay on his tummy for a picture but
I made him mad instead.
So his photo shoot was over.

We love you so much Tobs Magobes!


LivG said...

Wow! Is he sitting now and rolling??? Nooo!!! Love you Toby ♥

Laurie said...

Kissy cheeks from Grammy! My, time does fly!