Monday, March 30, 2009

on saturday james and i went to a concert

A FREE Christian concert on the beach! It was so much fun because it was early enough in the day that I wasn't too tired to enjoy it. It was a fairly small crowd but it was neat to see fellow Christians join onthe beach to ROCK to edifying and non-offensive music.

The bands that shared their talent with us were Pillar (pictured below)
and FireFlight:
It was sooooooo much fun and we were able to enjoy it without children since James' mom watched the kids that day/night.


LivG said...

I am jealous! I am so glad that you guys were able to do that and have a great time together : )

Pillar is familiar. Did they do a free concert in Salina once?

TAB said...

I think they might have done quite a few there. I remember Princess and Prisca were really into them for a while.

Laurie said...

I think Pillar was originally from KS...
Fun you could see the bands on the beach!

Seeing Through New Eyes said...

Wow, how awesome! I'm trying to NOT be jealous.