Friday, March 27, 2009

photohunt:: hands

My sweet children's hands (and mine).

Happy hunting!


Gypsy at heart said...

I especially love the first shot. Aren't children's hands wonderful?

JasonsLifeNotes said...

Very lovely.

Colleen said...

very cute!

Teena in Toronto said...

Such wee hands :)

I played today with wedding hands!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

How cute and sweet indeed!

Have a great weekend!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Aw! They are sweet little hands. My Photo Hunt is up! I hope you get a chance to visit me, too.

Happy weekend!

SASSY MOM said...

Children's hands are the sweetest!

Jenn said...

Those chubby hands are so cute! Love it!

LivG said...

Lovely little hands : )

MsRay said...

They're an angel!

Arlene said...

Lovely hands. I love kiddie hands on top of an adult hand. It looks cute and warm.

Thank you for visiting my "hands" entry. :)

annant said...

cute small hands :)

Angela said...

Ohhh, what precious hands (and feet) you have there! I love them.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

Unknown said...

I love pictures of lil kids. Very nice.