Friday, March 27, 2009

we have success!!

Henry went #2 in the toilet!!!!! I was desperate for him to get the hang of all of the toilet training stuff and especially how to relax and just poop on the potty. I tried everything: candy rewards, endcouraging words, stickers, threats ;-) and even showing him how to strain if he needed to. Then, I thought maybe I could encourage it by telling him that if he went poop in the potty and didn't poop in his pants we could go get a big dump truck at the store. That seemed to spark something. He said, with his hands in the air, "OK!!!" and not 1 hour later he purposely strained and pooped in the pot!!! Followed by 3 more poops in the toilet later that day and no poop accidents since. We are so proud of our 3 year and 2 month old boy!!! And I think he's pretty proud of himself too!


Laurie said...

I just love that Henry got a "big dump truck" as a reward for going in the potty!
Yea Henry!

Seeing Through New Eyes said...

Way to go, Henry!!!!

And that IS kinda funny. . . . a DUMP truck.

LivG said...

Awesome job and awesome reward!!!

Unknown said...

Great job! My son has recently learned to poop in the potty too.

LivG said...

Go check out Joanne's blog:) She mentioned you about this post!