Friday, October 30, 2009

halloween pumpkin cookies

The Halloween mood is upon me and I felt the need for pumpkin cookies to help with the festivities,miniscule though they may be, for our young family.

This is the First time I've ever, ever allowed my kids to decorate cookies with me! I am a bit of a neat freak perfectionist so this was a stretch. And, besides, the kids are 3 and 2!!!! That's just crazy in my book to allow kids that age into my kitchen. My sanity and patience is tested enough without my kids "helping" me with baked goods. However, I decided this would be simple enough: After I frost the cooled pumpkin cookies with pre-made Betty Crocker Whipped Cream Cheese frosting they would place Fall colored M&M's atop the scrumptious goodness of said cookies. And you know what?? They did fabulously! I had to keep a close eye on their work so I didn't get photos of the during process but I got a few of the finished product.

Yum, right?!


LivG said...

Yum indeed! I am sure they were thrilled and tickled pink to be able to help mommy with the cookies! Did they sneak some licks of frosting and some nibbles of candy???

4monkeys said...

Way to go Tab! You did a good thing! Cookies look really good and festive! Like the views from your camera! So whenever I come your way you know we will have 7 kids helping us...keep up the practice!

Laurie said...

Yum, right!!
I'm sure they thought that was great fun!

Laurie said...

And if those pumpkin cookies are anything like Grandma's pumpkin bread...
Whoa! Yum!