Monday, October 5, 2009

through the camera's eye

While at the beach, I saw a wedding photo shoot A flock of seagulls taking flight

A new-to-us boat someone left behind

Marcail swinging her baby doll

Marcail swinging "by herself"

Naomi swinging her baby doll

Naomi climbing on a tall, wooden structure

Henry posing for his mama

Marcail posing for her mama

The sunset at 7:00 p.m.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Tab. Marcail knows how to pose. How great are those kids. Miss them so much!!!Grandma

Your Mama said...

Everyone looks so good!
Missing you all...

Laurel said...

Fabulous pictures!

Your Mama said...

How beautiful is that ocean and sky!
And those palm trees are just some of the funkiest trees that God crated!

Your Mama said...

I mean "created" not "crated", though crated is more in line w/ how we lazsily talk sometimes huh?

Your Mama said...

And "lazsily" is how I lazily and sillily spell and type when it's past bedtime.