All morning I checked to see how the laundry detergent was setting up. It smelled so good and clean. Made the whole apartment smell fresh! At about 5 this afternoon, I stirred it around to break up the gelled clumps of detergent and this is the finished product! It is going to be so fun to use....maybe tomorrow?

I also used my two old detergent bottles that I've been saving to store the soap in. It made enough to fill the Gain bottle completely full as well as the Sun bottle almost completely full! That's roughly 275 fl oz!...and that's a lot of soap!
Yippee! I made laundry detergent too today! Yes that stuff is powerful, think i will just leave the lid off to make people think I cleaned all day:)
So, do you just use a normal capful like you would with store bought?
Good for you Tab!!! It sounds like the same recipe that I have used, except I just used mine in the powder form. But, I might try the liquid next time!!!
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