Tuesday, November 10, 2009

day 7 of sourdough starter

Tomorrow is Sourdough Bread baking day! It will have been 8 days of watching my starter ferment and grow to this awesomeness! It's starting to grow so tall that I'm not sure if it will stay contained in the biggest glass bowl that I own overnight. This evening, I set the glass bowl inside my huge plastic bowl as a precaution for overflowing. Do you see the wonderful air bubbles? That's the dough fermenting and getting all yeasty. I sure hope my loaves of bread turn out ok tomorrow. I don't have any glass bread pans so I will be using miscellaneous glass casserole dished that I have. Should be interesting!

1 comment:

LivG said...

It's so weird and cool! I can't wait to see/hear how it turns out!