Thursday, February 4, 2010

the moon tonight

This picture does not give the brilliance and coolness of the moon tonight justice. I stepped out to check it out and was wowed by the awesome brightness and cool shape of it. It looks like an upside down D. Princess texted me and told me to take a pic of it. I did, but, seriously, the "in person" viewing was so much better!


4monkeys said...

Cool! Looks awesome! Thanks Tab!

LivG said...

Wow!!! How did you get such a good pic of it??? I can never get good night shots. Esp of the moon.

Laurie said...

I agree that it's hard to capture the brilliance in a picture, but this picture is very nice! I love how it nestles in the clouds and illuminates them!
Thanks for that shot! Thank God for His gifts!