Sunday, January 27, 2013

moving over here

In the course of  5 years,
I've used up all the picture space on this blog.
Instead of buying more MB of space, I've decided 
to just move to a new blog.
Visit me there at  wright ones II !

Thursday, November 8, 2012

fall days

Spending an afternoon at the park is lovely.
Especially when doing so with a good friend.
We met Neli, Izaac and Jakob at the park last week.
We ended up hanging out there for 6 hours!
We played, took a long walk and played some more.
It was wonderful!

 Izaac loved his shadow!

Baby Jakob.
 Hello, Mr. Big Eyes!

 Izaac and Henry were major buds that day.

taking it easy

These days have been so absolutely gorgeous
around here.
South Florida is so hot and humid and heavy 99% of the time
that when it cools off and starts feeling like
a Midwestern spring
it's glorious.
We open up our windows and spend most of our
days outdoors.
This huge spider scares me, but Henry
insisted I take a picture of it.

"Don't get me, Daddy!"

Playing chapel and reading her Bible.

"Can I have some pretzels, please? Mama?"

Dirty twin feet.


This leaf had shed it's interior leafage and was nothing
more than veins.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

i'm so random

Marcail is practicing her handwriting.
I noticed in the beginning of this school year that each of the kid's handwriting
was very sloppy.
So, we've been really focusing on improving their penmanship this semester.
One lazy Saturday morning, without kids, pouring rain out.
James and Toby in the phone entrancement.

Naomi was "helping" me make supper one evening by
licking the bowl clean.

Toby is getting so good at sitting up!
We is so happy just sitting and watching
his siblings play around him.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

tree park

These pictures were all taken at a little walking park about 2 blocks from our house.
This little park, the "tree park" as we call it, is perfect for exploring.
We will walk down to the tree park and I'll let the kids
climb trees and play their games (they have fantastic imaginations!)
and I will walk around the path.
I can see them as they play and run around and 
Toby and I walk briskly around the path.
The tree park has a certain calm solitude about it
and it always helps me get in a better mood
if the day has been rough.
I spend my time praying, humming quietly to myself
or, if no one else is at the park, I'll talk to Toby.

While I was pregnant with Toby we came here almost
every day for at least an hour so that I could walk briskly for
my maternal exercise.
It was great for me and I feel kind of sentimental about this park.

Anyway, here's some pictures I've taken whilst walking the trail.
   I think the trees and lighting give the pictures a sort of
magical feel.